Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Respect Yourself part 1

In today's culture almost anything goes. Television and movies are two major influences of our children and young adults. They are like the forbidden fruit that attracts us because something in us wants to experience what we realize we should not. God tells us to abstain from sex until marriage for a very good reason. He's trying to protect us from being hurt physically and emotionally.

You have a choice in life as parents to step up and teach your children and grandchildren respect for their bodies. Sin starts with our thoughts and from what our eyes see and leads to immoral behavior.

Marriage is special and God warns us in Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”
God is the creator of man and woman bringing life into the world. In Romans 12:1 tells us, to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God.

God warns us in 2 Timothy 2:22, “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart.”

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Life Can Be Like the Ocean

Several years ago I took my children to Hawaii. We stayed on the Big Island at a hotel just a block from the ocean. I wanted the children to experience a place of beauty, but very different from where we lived in Missouri.

Life can be like an ocean, you never know when or where you're going to be stung. How can life be like an ocean you ask? That's what this blog is about.

We found a perfect place to set up our little camp. I watched the children as they played in the water. I decided it was time for me to join in on the fun so I entered the water. As the water rose to my knees I felt an intense sting on my left leg and saw a medium size jellyfish swimming between my legs. Before I could move I felt another sting, this time to my right leg. Needless to say, that was the end of my ocean swim. For the next several days I spent my time with legs elevated to reduce the swelling.

Your life can be like the ocean: you never know what poisonous creatures will attack without warning. It is like a new Christian who experiences their first attack of the enemy. Many times the new Christian is not prepared with the armor of God . It takes time to mature as a Christian. Unless a stronger Christian is giving encouragement and walking along side, a young Christian may call it quits. Do you know a new Christian that needs encouragement?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sharing the Journey: When God Calls Part 2

Sharing the Journey: When God Calls Part 2: "G od instructs us to go out to the lost and be bold in our walk. It is sometimes difficult to witness for fear of rejection and we may feel ..."

When God Calls Part 2

God instructs us to go out to the lost and be bold in our walk. It is sometimes difficult to witness for fear of rejection and we may feel inadequate. Jesus was rejected so why do we think we would not also be rejected. Fear stops many people doing what they know they should do. We know fear does not come from the Lord so why do we allow the enemy to stop us doing the Lords work?

I had a friend tell me years ago that she knew she needed to go to her friend and share the plan of salvation but had put it off. My friend had received a call a month later and found out her friend was in serious condition in the hospital. By the time she got a flight and arrived her friend had died. She carried the guilt of waiting to share the love of Jesus for months. She had decided from that point on to witness to everyone she could.

We always think we have plenty of time and will get around to telling the good news to people that need Jesus. We don't even know if we have today let alone tomorrow. There are so many hurting people that do not know Jesus. I pray that we do a better job in doing the Lords work. That we allow the Lord to work through us and reach out to the lost.

Sometimes God takes us to a place in life that only in the end we find out His purpose.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

When God Calls

Sometimes God takes us to a place in life that only in the end we find out His purpose.

I met a man through my work place in 1999. The man was a client from the low income part of town. He was repulsive, unclean, vulgar and a drug addict.

He and I got along just fine, but my co-workers and I knew he could very well be a threat. He had made threats, but had not carried them out. I knew Jesus loved him and only He could make a change in this man's life.

Several years later as the man's health deteriorated he had to be hospitalized. I felt the Lord was calling me to visit the man in the hospital. He had no family to be by his side, or any friends for that matter. The man was now totally alone, and only had a few hours or days left on this earth. If he was ever to know about Jesus and His love, I had to go to this man's dying bedside.

I entered the hospital room in the late afternoon. He was lying down, perfectly still. The man was moaning and growling with his eyes closed. I checked with his nurse who informed me that he had taken his pain medication and nothing else could be done for him. I sat down beside his bed and began to pray. I opened my Bible to the Gospel of John and began to read out loud. As I read he began to moan and made growling sounds louder and louder. I just continued reading. By the end of John the moaning and growling had subsided. I prayed over the man and told him how much God loved him, and that Jesus died on the cross for all of his sins. I placed my hand on his arm and told him I would be leaving. I would come back the next day. To my surprise the man turned his head toward me and opened his eyes. There was such a peace about him and he had the most beautiful, clear, blue eyes that I had ever seen. I did not see the man I once knew, but I felt the presence of Jesus and his love for this man. Before I could return the next day he had died. I would not be surprised one day to see this man again in heaven. I believe when he opened his eyes he had repented and accepted Jesus into his heart. I was told that he never opened his eyes again before he died.

Sometimes God takes us to a place in life that only in the end we find out His purpose.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Overwhelmed? There is Hope!

It has been a week since tornadoes ripped through the United States. People around the world  felt the pain and sadness of all the people who lost loved ones or all their possessions. It can be difficult to understand why these tragedies take place.

We are not promised a troubled-free life in this world, but God has promised to be with us during those difficult days. He promises to lead us to victory if we put our trust in Him (II Corinthians 2:14). 

It is difficult  not to focus on our circumstances when we are in the darkest place we have ever been. It may be a tornado that took your loved one or every possession you owned.  It may be a divorce or finding yourself alone and pregnant. Whatever the circumstances there are answers to help you through your darkest hours.

The Lord hears our prayers and sees our tears. The Lord tells us to cast all our cares upon Him.
(I Peter 5:7). The Lord loves you!  He has promised to draw near to you when you draw near to Him  (James 4:7) Choose to trust God today.